Looking about online for age-appropriate household chores for kids lists, I noticed a funny phenomenon. There seemed to be a bunch of really cool ones for pre-schoolers but for older kids, not so much.
So, here are our top five chores for kids, as it happens in our house (I’d say these would work for ages 8 and up)
Making the bed

Simply put, my kid knows she has to make her own bed before she leaves for school.
Usually she does this while she’s getting ready for school, so it’s an easy and quick job to do.
A little assistance in the kitchen

I love cooking… but only if I’m in the mood for it! If I call for help in the kitchen, my daughter helps with chopping, slicing, peeling, grating and food preparation, but also in meal making now too.
She’s old enough to make simple meals on her own now too, which is a lifesaver on busy days.
Helping with decision-making
This chore is a step up from helping me compile our grocery lists. Nowadays, when pacing the aisles at the supermarket, she keeps an eye out for specials and often helps me with comparing produce.
Laundry Duty
If there are two things I loathe, it’s spiders and putting away laundry. Luckily, my daughter does her own laundry packing, neatly and in accordance with a system we set up together.
Once every six months, she and I go through her cupboards and empty out old clothes, items that no longer fit her or toys that she is willing to part with, donating them to organisations or people who may need them.
Pet Care
We added a dog to our family at the beginning of this year, and I am almost convinced that having a dog is a lot like having a perpetual toddler in the house.
My daughter helps with feeding, grooming, cleaning up after him and joins me on his regular walks to the park. Having a big dog like we do is a lot easier to manage because it’s a team effort.