We all want to make sure that our children are healthy and eating the right foods that will give them all the vitamins and nutrients they need to grow. Fussy eaters, demanding schedules, and the rising cost of food items, are just some of the factors that can make it tough for parents to ensure their kids are benefiting from a balanced diet. We have put together a few tips to help you make sure your kids are getting what they need from their diet:
- Our Tea4KidzRooibos range is high in vitamin C, caffeine free and gives your child all the health benefits of Rooibos
- For a diet rich in fiber, make sure your children are eating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
- Nuts and seeds will give your child Vitamin E and Magnesium. Tuna, salmon and even the sun are all rich sources of Vitamin D …so let them enjoy some time outdoors.
- This may be a tricky one but they need to eat their greens! Leafy greens, broccoli and yoghurt are all good sources of calcium.
- Dairy products, potatoes and prune juice are all good sources of potassium.
- Of course, we all know that cutting out sugar is difficult when it comes to young kids. Help to reduce their sugar intake by diluting fruit juice with water, cut fresh fruit into jelly before setting as a slightly healthier alternative for pudding, or try these healthy snack options: https://www.more4momz.com/food/snacks-for-kids/healthy-snacks-attacks
Make eating healthy food fun! Although time consuming, why not make a fun face on their plate with fresh fruit and vegetables. Another great way to get in fruit and vegetables is to introduce your child to Muffin Tray Monday or Snack plate Sunday! This is a fun way to get the kids involved. Cut up small pieces of fruit, vegetables, cheese and even strips of meat and get them to place it in a muffin tray or on a plate, turning a healthy dinner into finger foods.